Keller Williams Realty - Kathleen Kennedy Klassen
Kathleen Kennedy Klassen
Keller Williams Realty
Whitefish Bay, WI
Licenza #: 78479-94 - WI / REALTOR® a Kathleen Klassen | Real Estate
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Su di me

Helping people achieve success fuels Kathleen’s personal and professional energy. With an easygoing and uncommonly direct persona, Kathleen’s clients often remark that she is a ton of fun to be around, yet she is results-driven and consistently focused on achieving the best possible outcome with each and every transaction.

A painting and printmaking graduate of the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, Kathleen began her career creating custom murals and distinctive finishes for interior designers—within some of the most notable homes and businesses in Southeastern Wisconsin. This experience developed Kathleen’s keen eye for design and broad knowledge of architecture—skills that ultimately became catalysts for her income property portfolio. From extensive experience purchasing and managing properties, transitioning to real estate became a natural progression for Kathleen.

With an unwavering work ethic, Kathleen’s specialized background gives her a unique ability to provide added value and leadership for her clients. “I know the Greater Milwaukee area, its rich history, neighborhoods and real estate value better than I know anything else,” says Klassen. Buyers and investors that work with Kathleen benefit from her singular ability to spot potential. Sellers employ Kathleen’s deep market perspective, interior staging expertise and elegant business acumen.

Kathleen’s definition of success: the joy and surprise her clients feel when they sell their house for much more than they expected and the happiness and excitement her buyers experience when their offer is accepted and their journey to define “home' begins anew.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Kathleen Kennedy Klassen
Numero di licenza: 78479-94
Kathleen Klassen | Real Estate

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Keller Williams Realty
205 E Silver Spring Dr. Whitefish Bay, WI 53217

Kathleen Kennedy Klassen
REALTOR® 78479-94
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